December 1, 2021
Welcome to Reach v5.0.0

Table of Contents
A Redesigned Interface
Over the years we have been studying how our users interact with Reach, this has given us many insights on how to improve the user experience. The newly redesigned Reach interface has a cleaner, more modern, and most importantly a more intuitive user interface. Our goal is to make sure that our users love every moment they interact with Reach.

Here are the details of what is new:
Easier Navigation
We have optimized the way you navigate in Reach. We believe that the new design would feel more intuitive, natural, and would reduce the time it takes moving around the site.

New Filter Design
A simplified filter bar keeps the most important filters easily accessible allowing users to quickly apply or remove filter options.

Improved Search Bar
We introduced a search bar that sits right at the top of the page, the same search bar works on any page within the Reach interface automatically filtering the content before your eyes. Persistent search allows you to navigate to different areas of the Reach site and keep your search keywords applied.

Profile List Update
Besides the new look, we have added information about the last user who has modified each profile directly on the profile list.

New Device List Layout
The device list has been improved to accommodate shortcut actions. Among these new actions is access to the log files uploaded to Reach. Now uploaded log files are easily accessible from the device list directly on each device.

Device Apps Info
Reach now shows the date a device app was created as well as the date each file in the app is uploaded.

Local Device Updates
Introduced the ability to apply a TCG device update locally to repair corrupted devices or test pre-release packages.

WiFi Network Priority
We have added the ability to create multiple WIFI networks on the TCG device directly via reach edge (local access) Now users can have more than 1 configured WIFI network and prioritize which of those networks the device should connect to. This allows TCG devices to auto switch to any of the configured WIFI networks when within proximity of them. – this feature makes use of the network manager introduced in the Firefly BSP.

USB Management From Device Apps
We have added the ability to enable or disable USB file management via Reach within each profile. By default, Reach will ensure that the TCG device matches the USB file configuration from the assigned profile. Disabling this feature, allows users to manage USB file deployment directly from their device apps without Reach overwriting the USB file settings.
Introducing Collections
We have introduced a more scalable system to propagate new library changes to pre-existing profiles. “Collections” is a feature that allows users to create groups of variables, CAN tx messages, device apps, and even log jobs all within the configuration library. This way users can assign groups of library elements all at once to each profile. More importantly, any new changes done to the collection such as adding a new variable will automatically be propagated across any profiles containing the collection. In combination with auto profile updates, users can make changes to their entire fleet in a blink.
To access collections go to Dashboard > Configuration > Library and click on Collections:

Once you add a new collection you will see a place to group any library components such as variables, CAN TX messages, USB files, Devices apps, and even log jobs in one place. The idea here is that you are creating a global grouping that can then be assigned to multiple profiles at once. This is particularly beneficial if you have a set of variables or device apps that are common across all of your different machine profiles.

Once the collection is created and configured, the collection is ready to be assigned to a profile. Open a profile, and under the data tab, you can now find a link at the top right to insert collections to the profile. Initially, on a blank new profile, all the fields for variables, log jobs, CAN TX, and device apps are empty, you can add these components individually to each specific profile just as usual, or you can do so in bulk by importing a collection.

A pop-up would open up when clicking the collections link, presenting all the collections that have been previously created in the library.

Upon selecting the desired collection(s) and saving your changes, the profile will be populated with all the library components from the collection as shown below:

A number counter next to the collections link indicates the number of collections assigned to the profile, and each component includes a label with the collectionˋs name for reference.
What about all of your profiles that already exist in your Reach account? you may say, or how do you start making use of the collections feature without having to reconfigure all of your profiles individually? you may wonder. No worries, we have also added the ability to assign collections to your pre-existing profiles in bulk. Simply create your new collection(s), then select which profiles you want to update by clicking on the checkbox for each profile, click the “Assign Collections” option from the bottom contextual menu, select which collections to assign, and you are done!

Improvements & Bug Fixes
- Implemented test automation for the application that controls TCG device connection with the Reach server
- Fixed a bug where group devices count API does not seem to be returning the correct device counts for groups
- Fixed the duplicate key issue that appears when multiple dbc variables with the same name exist in a profile
- The device file manager doesn’t confirm the execution status of device apps. If somehow it is not set, it will not be corrected until a device app or USB changes.
- Fixed a bug when moving a device that is set to auto-update from 1 company to another
- Fixed issue where profile cloning was resetting device settings
- Fixed an issue with canGen (CAN reader) not working properly on Firefly (BSP)
- Fixed an issue where too many variables cause the diagnostics page to disconnect the TCG device
- Fixed an issue to allow vrsclient to handle multi message format in initial connect
- Fixed an issue where Firefly (BSP) did not report connect status correctly
Additional Notes
Reach Edge 2.3.7 → 3.0.0
- USB ignore bugfix – when USB ignore is enabled do not unmount and remount USB drive.
- System support for multiple WiFi Client configurations (katamari and katamariLite application changes)
Reach Edge 3.1.0
- Added a popup notification to inform users when the save process is extended by WiFi client changes
- Added a popup notification to inform users if the save process fails
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